品牌: Quan Wei
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全威关节活素以硫酸葡萄糖胺 (Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCL) ,硫酸软骨素(Chondroitin Sulfate) ,甲基硫酰甲烷 Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) ,骨胶原 (2型胶原蛋白)为主要成份。硫酸葡萄糖胺,帮助修复受伤的软骨组织,促进软骨的新陈代谢以预防退化的发生。藉由重建僵硬与耗损的关节组织,以减轻关节的疼痛、肿胀问题 。软骨素可以使软骨细胞保有足够的水分以达到缓冲、润滑的作用。两种成分并用,不只可以减轻骨关节疼痛症状,更可帮助关节代谢正常化,改善关节的活动能力,增加骨质致密度与坚硬度。
全威关节活素 专为重建健康关节所研制,对改善骨性关节炎尤其有效。它可以修复软骨基质,减轻关节炎症,全面提升关节运动活力,舒缓五十肩和扭伤等。 全威关节活素的专利权(PATENT NUMBER:10201402819W)。什么是专利? 专利权(Patent Right),简称“专利”,专利是对发明授予的一种专有权利;发明是指提供新的做事方式或对某一问题提出新的技术解决方案的产品或方法。要取得专利,必须向公众公开发明的技术信息。
- 加速软骨细胞的再生与修复。
- 对抗并减缓关节受到破坏、变形及钙化。
- 减轻关节软骨、硬骨及邻近组织的损害,帮助关节组织再造。
- 刺激软骨弹性组织的修复、预防软骨失去弹性。
- 有助于保持关节组织的润滑和活动度。
- 控制滑膜分泌液的平衡,避免关节枯萎。
- 修复软骨基质,改善运动或职业伤害引起的关节损害。
成分:Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCL 175mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 100mg, Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) 50mg, Type II Collagen 50mg, Morinda Root Extract 25mg, Epimedium Grandiflorum Extract 25mg, Sambucus williamsii Hance Extract 25mg, Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm. 25mg, Turmeric Root Extract 25mg
使用方式:每天 2 次,每次 2 粒,饭后服用。
包装:80+(20 赠送) 粒


Performance:good for joints
Suitability:goodfor joints
Bought for mum and she said was good
Dear customer, thank you for your 5-star review! We’re always appreciative of honest and well-meant feedback for our health supplements We wish you and your mum good health ahead!
Dear customer, thank you so much for your support! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great shopping experience with us. Here’s to wishing you good health and happiness with our products!
Dear customer, your support means a lot to us! We hope the product works well for you, just like our other satisfied customers!
Suitability:not yet tried hut hope it can cure my joint
Performance:yes yea yeah
Paint that hurt me long time ago..hope this can cure
Dear customer, your support means a lot to us! We hope the product works well for you, just like our other satisfied customers!
Item is ok but don't expect super fast and best results
Knee issues do solve quite abit
Seller if responsible and responsive
The delivery service by Shopee however is bad, delayed delivery & I have to waste time everyday connecting to shopee agent to fasten delivery process which is bad
Dear customer, thank you for sharing your experience with us! We are happy to hear that our products work as well as advertised! We’re always dedicated to the quality of our products that many have come to expect of us.
Have a nice day!