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Yumtrade Singapore online shopping store is an online shop that provides a wide range of Beauty & Health products catering to different customers' needs. It is an online shop and a wholesale store giving good discount schemes, best delivery service and good customer service to household and office Island wide in Singapore. Browse our online shop and choose products from a variety of items like Beauty, vitamins & supplements, tea, body enhancers, herbal products and all other brands of products. Yumtrade Online e-shop welcomes you warmly to browse our online stores. Shoppers can browse through our online promotion items and enjoy the discount shopping at our online store just like shopping in a supermarket. Experience a convenient online order system and online shopping cart. You can plan and order your products 24 hours a day! We build reliable online shopping, providing privacy and security to online shoppers. Shoppers who want to buy online can be assured of sound ecommerce practices, greater privacy protection and peace of mind while performing online transactions with more than 300 categories of products. Yumtrade Online e-shop is committed to deliver your favorite brands of products by our delivery expert to you by the next working day. Hope you will have an enjoyable shopping trip. Come and shop online with us. More info on online shopping.
Online shopping store
Complete your
grocery shopping
in just a few minutes. It's easier than you might think! No more
jostling with the crowd, No more queue waiting for payment, No more
shopping with grumpy spouse, running kids and crying babies.
Our dedication to customers
We are dedicated to serve and care for our customers and in doing so
creating a delightful shopping experience for everyone. You can sit
back and relax with a cuppa while
shopping online, be it by
yourself or with your love ones.
for your household groceries will no longer be a chore and it can be
Online grocery shopping
is quick and easy.
In an ever fast moving world, people are getting busier and hope to
spend more time with their family or on their leisure activities. In
every household, we need groceries as part of our daily lives. Grocery
shopping is a routine job for most families; we usually take 1-2 hours
to shop, if you need to drive to the supermarket it may take 3-4
hours. So some even called it a chore!
Buy groceries
anytime you want, even in your pyjamas.
You can simply do your grocery shopping from wherever you have
internet access, anywhere anytime. We provide a wonderful convenience
of getting what you want, when you want it. It is a new way to
for groceries every week and certainly, we hope, will make life
happier for everyone who shops with us.
Save money, save time with
At our website, we work towards money and time saving for you and your
family. We retail online and our operation cost are much lower than
physical supermarkets. So, we can offer customers more attractive
prices when come to shopping with us. What's more, you save on car
park fees and save energy on carry heavy shopping bags. Online
shopping also help you save time, so you can spend more quality time
with your love ones.
We go an extra mile for you.
Online grocery
is also helpful for families whom family members are home bound. If
you have elderly parents at home who need special care around the
clock, you may find it hard to do your
grocery shopping. If
wheeled-chair bound find getting around a little tough, not to mention
the loads of bags you need to carry. If you are a new mum on
confinement, you are preferred to stay home. We like to extend our
services to you.
Manage your shopping.
We invest in auto-mated system to help you budget and manage your
shopping. There will be a trolley calculator so you can shop and view
your total purchases instantly. In your account, you can retrieve past
orders and buy the same items again, create a list in advance so you
can remind yourself what to buy. This is especially helpful if you are
planning for a party or event celebrations. You may retrieve this list
at your next visit to complete your order anytime you like.
Leave the rest to us!
You may wonder how and who will process your order. Your purchases are
handled by our fully trained personal shoppers and ever-friendly
delivery team. Our personal shopper will hand pick customers' order
while our delivery angel help customers with their shopping load and
delivers them to home. We are professionally trained and always
attentive to your needs or requests. At all time, we promise to
deliver fresh and high quality products to your home every time. We
take special care to look after your order and realises how important
it is to you.
Online Grocery
Online Grocery is the act of consumers or customers buying
foodstuffs, various household and everyday supplies via the Internet.
It is similar in concept to the physical aspect of consumers going
down personally to any of such stores to purchase the necessary
everyday commodities or as and when required to.
Online grocers are sellers who deal with grocery products and may or may not have their personal shop front(s) for selling grocery. However, it is for certain that they are required to sell or promote the products pertaining to grocery on the Internet through any form of websites and be able to conduct online transactions of trade to be headlined under this term.
To be able to shop online, consumers must have access to any computer connected to the net and majority of them should have their own credit card or other forms of cash-less method to pay. This will let consumers have more options of choosing the either the convenient way of obtaining their grocery or the hassle of spending time going down to the desired shopping store or supermarket and engaging in long queues just to achieve the same objective.
Online Grocery is a form of business-to-consumer (B2C) transaction.
Online Grocery shopping has yet to become popular but is fast becoming
a rising trend and has the potential to extend its influence much
faster than actual grocery shopping which has reached saturation point
and is likely to be on the declining trend in the near future.
History of Online Grocery Shopping
Online grocery shopping
came about in the US in the mid-1990s during the "dotcom" craze.
However, it stagnated for quite some time as consumers weren't yet
ready to trust the internet with something as important as their
grocery lists. However, now that
internet shopping
is such an enormously gigantic business, it's no wonder that there is
a new buzz around online grocery shopping. If you are going to give it
a try, you should have a high-speed internet connection. Using a
dial-up connection will be very slow and frustrating, and you'll end
up having to spend more time buying groceries from your home computer
than you would probably spend driving to the store as you normally do.
Trends in Online Grocery Shopping
When an online grocery shopper has a good first experience with a
certain website sixty percent of the time they will return to that
website to buy more.
According to research found in the Journal of Electronic Commerce, if we focus on the demographic characteristics of the in-home shopper, in general, the higher the level of education, income, and occupation of the head of the household, the more favourable the perception of non-store grocery shopping.
One knows exactly which website to enter, how much on the
average the goods will cost, and the time taken for the goods to reach
them. Online grocery shopping has become extremely routine and
predictable, which is one of its greatest appeals to the consumer.
The moment a consumer selects a product or finishes his/her
selection, most online grocery retailers will employ the
shopping cart
software which will tabulate the cost of items in the shopping cart
with the option of allowing consumers to adjust the quantity of items
in the shopping cart list, by analogy with filling a physical shopping
cart or basket in a
conventional store. One such
shopping cart with user-friendly features can be found in Yumtrade. A
"checkout" process follows (continuing the physical-store analogy) in
which payment and delivery information is collected, if necessary.
Some stores allow consumers to sign up for a permanent online account
so that some or all of the user's necessary information only needs to
be entered once. The consumer often receives an e-mail confirmation
once the transaction is complete. Less sophisticated stores may rely
on consumers to phone or e-mail their orders (though credit card
numbers are not accepted by e-mail, for security reasons).
Online grocery shoppers normally use credit card to make payments due
to the fact they usually buy in bulk, however some systems enable
customers to create personal accounts and pay by alternative means,
such as:
Product delivery
Once a payment has been accepted the goods can be delivered in the
following ways.
Of course, majority of the customers will want their grocery
being delivered right to the doorstep instead of going to the
nearest store
to collect their purchase as it will defeat the main purpose of doing
online grocery shopping. People usually do their grocery shopping
online so as to cut down on the time and effort(physically) taken
otherwise spent to do normal
grocery shopping. Despite
that, there definitely will be people who think that the delivery fee
spent on online grocery and checking out the conditions of grocery on
the spot outweighs the cost of time and effort to lug the bags of
grocery back home, but these are most likely the minority.
Usually, online grocers only cater to consumers living within a
certain district or location because of the fragility and the
freshness of the said products. Therefore, it is quite difficult to
guarantee the condition of the grocery if such grocers are to deliver
the consumers' purchase over a long distance, like state to state or
country to country.
However, since majority of grocery shopping are usually done in
bulk, the more convenient and cost-effective (time, physical effort)
way of receiving your grocery is by delivery up to your doorstep like
what one of the website known as Yumtrade has to offer.
Online shopping stores allows consumers to make purchases at any time, 24 hours, 7 days a week, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. A visit to a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours.
Searching or looking through an online catalog can be faster
than browsing the aisles of a
shopping store. Consumers with
normal dial-up Internet connections rather than broadband have much
longer loading time due to the appearance of pictures of products
shown on these websites and have a considerably slower and more
online shopping
Some consumers prefer engaging with shopping store personnel
instead of computers (and vice versa), sometimes due to the more
complicated interfaces of the websites. Not all
have up-to-date and user-friendly sites.
For efficiency reasons,
online shopping stores
generally do not delivery goods immediately upon receiving an order.
Orders are only filled during warehouse operating hours, and there may
be a delay in
the delivery
depending on traffic and weather conditions but not to a large extent
since such online grocers will restrict the area span from the
warehouse where the goods are stored. Many retailers are likely to
inform customers the time range at which they can expect their
delivery to arrive, and whether or not they generally have a
fulfillment backlog. A quick response time and efficient of its
delivery service is sometimes an important factor in consumers'
confidence and trust in the grocery dealer. A disadvantage of online
shopping is that, even if a purchase can be done anytime of the day,
the customer must often be at home during normal business hours to
accept the delivery . For many professionals this can be difficult as
they have many time constraints, and absence at the time of delivery
can result in delays, or in some cases, return of the grocery to the
retailer. As far as grocery is concerned, it must be usually kept
fresh or in a suitable condition and any of such delay may bring about
a decline in the condition of the grocery in question.
In the event of a problem with the item - it is not what the
consumer ordered, or it is not of the condition it is supposed to be
in- consumers are concerned with the ease with which they can return
an item for the correct one or for a refund. Consumers may need to
contact the retailer, visit
the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a
replacement or refund. Some online shopping stores have more generous
return policies to compensate for the traditional advantage of
physical stores. For example, the online
shopping store
Yumtrade offers a thorough check of the condition of the items are all
good and if the purchased item(s) are found damaged, they will either
send a replacement free of charge or they will offer you a refund on
the spot. Furthermore, customers are allowed to return the item that
you do not desire within 1-3 business days by contacting them as long
as the original packaging and receipt are kept intact.