Hypericum, also known as "TuLianQiao," is native to China from North to South. Its flowers are terminal, either solitary or in cymes, with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The plant primarily treats menstrual disorders, pharyngitis, and hepatitis.
Distribution and Morphological Features:
- Distribution in China: Found in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, and Guizhou.
- Morphological Features: This semi-evergreen shrub can reach up to 1 meter in height, with smooth, branched stems. Leaves are opposite, with transparent glandular dots, elliptical, 3-8 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with a blunt tip and slightly clasping base. Flowers are terminal, solitary or in cymes, with a 3-5 cm diameter, featuring lance-shaped bracts and 5 petals. The fruit is an ovoid capsule, with flowering in June and fruiting in August.
Habitat: Cultivated.
Propagation Method: Seed.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit.
Medicinal Functions: Expels wind and dampness, stops cough, and treats lumbar pain.
- Identification: The whole plant is about 80 cm long and smooth. The roots are cylindrical, brownish, and have a flaky cork layer. Old stems are cylindrical and brownish, with leaf scars visible. Young stems are finer, with a smoother surface. Leaves are opposite, slightly wrinkled, and break easily; they are green on top and gray-green underneath, with transparent glandular dots. The taste is slightly bitter, and it has a faint fragrance.
Microscopic Identification:
- Root Cross-Section: The cork layer consists of about 10 rows of cells. Cortex cells are nearly round with a few secretory cavities. The phloem has similar secretory cavities. The xylem is broad, with radial vessel arrangements.
- Stem Cross-Section: Old stems have a cork layer with about 8 rows of brown cells. Cortex cells are round with scattered secretory cavities. The xylem has well-developed fibers and radially arranged vessels.
- Leaf Cross-Section: Both the upper and lower epidermis are a single row of elongated rectangular cells. The mesophyll contains scattered secretory cavities. The main vein has a thickened vascular bundle with secretory cavities arranged in rings.
Source: The whole plant of Hypericum perforatum.
Harvesting: Collect leaves fresh in summer and autumn. Roots can be harvested year-round, used fresh or dried and sliced, then powdered.
Properties: Bitter, astringent, warm.
Uses and Formulas:
- For Rheumatic Lumbar Pain: Boil 1 liang (about 50 grams) of Hypericum root with 2 eggs for 2 hours. Consume the eggs and broth twice daily.
- For Snake Bites: Crush fresh Hypericum root with salt and apply to the wound. Change the dressing daily.
- For Boils: Crush fresh Hypericum leaves with salt and apply to the affected area.
- For Poison Ivy or Bee Stings: Powder Hypericum root and mix with sesame oil and leftover wine to apply to the affected area.