Cranberry is a small, round fruit with a bright red skin, growing on low vines in the cold wetlands of North America. The global cultivation area is less than 40,000 acres, limited to five states in the northern United States (Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington), two provinces in Canada (Quebec, British Columbia), and Chile in South America. Cranberries can only be grown in highly acidic sandy soils, and it takes 3-5 years of cultivation to produce the bright red fruit.
Cranberries are planted in spring and harvested in autumn, using either "wet harvesting" or "dry harvesting" methods. High-quality cranberries contain air, which allows them to float on water.
In the wet harvesting method, farmers flood the cranberry fields, then use water reels to stir the water, causing the cranberries to float to the surface. The floating cranberries are then corralled and collected. The scene of water, red berries, shimmering light, and blue sky creates a stunning view, often leaving visitors in awe. If you visit during harvest season, you can experience the breathtaking sight of the red cranberries.
Cranberry – History
The name "cranberry" originates from its original name "craneberry," as the cranberry flower resembles the head and beak of a crane.
To the Native American tribes of North America, cranberries symbolized nutrition and health. They mixed dried venison with mashed cranberries and fat to make a type of cake, and also used cranberries to treat wounds by absorbing poison from arrows.
During the colonial era, wild cranberries were among the earliest products exported from the "New World" to England. Sailors carried cranberries onboard to prevent scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. In 1677, the New England colonial government presented three famous North American native products to King Charles II of England, including two barrels of Indian corn, 3,000 codfish, and three barrels of cranberries. Despite the long voyage, the codfish and corn spoiled, but the cranberries remained fresh, earning them widespread recognition.
Cranberry – Uses
Today, cranberries have become an essential condiment and daily food companion in American households. Since 1962, turkey with cranberry sauce has been a staple at American Thanksgiving dinners. Cranberry juice is also a must-have beverage in American refrigerators. Americans consume 400 million pounds of cranberries annually, with 70% produced by Ocean Spray.
Cranberry – Benefits
- Prevents urinary tract infections
- Protects against cardiovascular diseases
- Anti-aging properties
- Prevents stomach ulcers
- Improves skin health
Cranberry – Preparation Methods
- [Urinary Tract Infections]: Cranberry juice + cold boiled water
- [Intestinal, Stomach, Urinary Tract Infections, Constipation Relief]: Cranberry juice + yogurt + cold boiled water
- [Acidic Body, Immune Boost]: Cranberry juice + cranberry vinegar + cold boiled water
- [Prevention of Urinary Tract Bacterial Infections and Kidney Stones]: Cranberry juice + cranberry vinegar + cold boiled water
- [Anti-Aging, Beauty, Whitening]: Cranberry juice + lemon + cold boiled water
- [Calcium Supplement, Stomach Ulcer Relief]: Cranberry juice + fresh milk
Daily Consumption: Mix with ice, warm, or cold boiled water
Mixing Ratio: Dilute in a 1:6 to 1:10 ratio, according to personal taste
Shelf Life: One year
Cranberry Beef Soup for Blood Nourishment and Beauty
Ingredients: 10 cranberries, 650g beef, 250g peanuts, 3 tablespoons light cream, 12 red dates, a small piece of dried tangerine peel, a pinch of salt, 2 slices of ginger.
- Boil the beef in water for 3 minutes on high heat, remove, and rinse.
- Cut the cranberries into small pieces, and blanch the peanuts in hot water to remove the skin.
- Remove the pits from the red dates and rinse them.
- Soak the dried tangerine peel, scrape off the pith, and rinse it.
- Boil an appropriate amount of water on high heat for 6 minutes, then add the beef, peanuts, red dates, dried tangerine peel, and ginger. Cook on medium heat for 45 minutes, add light cream, and season with salt.
Suitable for: People who feel tired, lack energy, are prone to drowsiness, or have sallow and dull complexions.
Cranberry Nutritional Salad
Ingredients: 150g dried cranberries, 100g purple cabbage, 150g shredded carrots, 100g lettuce, 50g pine nuts, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons olive oil, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper
Suitable for: People with dull skin, white-collar workers, those who work with computers, and those with poor sleep quality at night.
Cranberry Atractylodes Liver Congee
Ingredients: 100g pork liver, 9g Atractylodes, 5-10 dried cranberries, 150g millet.
Preparation: Cook the pork liver, Atractylodes powder, cranberry pieces, and millet with an appropriate amount of water in a clay pot until done.
Suitable for: Nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, especially for those who work with computers, to prevent dry and itchy eyes, cataracts, and presbyopia. Consume once daily for a week as a treatment course.
- Cranberry Chewable Tablets: Contain pure natural cranberry and blueberry concentrate, with added vitamin C, fructooligosaccharides, licorice extract, xylitol, etc., for enhanced antibacterial effects, great taste, and low calories. Most effective!
- Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice beverages have a unique sweet and sour taste, refreshing and pleasant. To meet different consumer preferences, cranberry juice mixed with apple or strawberry offers a milder taste while maintaining cranberry's distinctive flavor.
- Cranberry Capsules: American brand cranberry capsules, imported from the U.S., made from fresh cranberries sourced from Boston, free from pollution, with no drug resistance or toxic side effects, natural and safe, 50x concentrated, produced by a GMP-certified manufacturer, NBTY, with FDA approval, and CIQ certification from China Inspection and Quarantine.
- Cranberry Vinegar: Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, anthocyanins, and bioflavonoids, cranberry vinegar promotes beauty, helps with body detoxification, and has a sweet and sour taste suitable for long-term consumption.
Cranberry – Comparison of Cranberry Juice, Cranberry Dried Fruit, and Cranberry Capsules:
- Cranberry Juice: Liquid, low concentration, contains many additives, and the acid in the juice may cause urinary stones.
- Cranberry Dried Fruit: A snack like candy, exposed to air and sunlight, possibly processed in other ways (such as drying, adding additives, flavor adjustments), leading to a significant loss of nutrients, low concentration, and high sugar content, not suitable for excessive consumption.
- Cranberry Capsules: The only preparation that preserves the active ingredients of cranberries most effectively, with a higher concentration than fresh fruit, avoiding the high sugar content issue.